Mini-Haul: Accessories

Hey Dolls!

I did some accessories shopping this weekend to Forever 21 and H&M. I picked up 2 long necklaces in Forever 21 and 2 rings at H&M.

I have been really into long, locket necklaces lately. They are so cute and they go with everything! And I realized I don't have many rings so I needed to go out and buy some. I picked up a really bold ring from H&M. It is pretty huge but I love it and I can't wait to wear it :)

Here are some pictures of what I got. Thank You all for stopping by and I hope you all enjoy! (click images to enlarge).

Ring from H&M (pair of 2)-$3.95

Ring from H&M-$5.95

Necklace from Forever21-$4.80

Necklace from Forever21-$4.80

Disclaimer: I purchased all of these products with my own money for my personal use.


  1. Cute I love that last necklace! :-)

  2. LOVE the necklace with the locket!

  3. Nice haul!!! I've definitely been in love with long locket necklaces as well. Since we're in colder weather, I love wearing them with scarves, too. :) Enjoy your new acquisitions!

  4. Cute stuff! Makes me want to go to Forever 21 now. lol

  5. I loved those pieces, especially the 2nd ring! Your blog is amazing, I really like your make up posts, I am following now, you can follow me too if you want! Kisses, Froso from Style Nirvana

  6. @ LipGlossGossip- Thanks! I am so loving necklaces with charms on them. Very pretty :)

    @ Nihrida- Isn't it adorbs? I can't wait to wear it :)Lockets are always fun.

    @ Mellie- Thanks hun! yes I agree with you about the long necklaces with scarves. It looks really chic :)

    @ Rai- Thank you doll! LoL! I want to go back to F21 and do some more shopping!

    @ Froso- I am so happy that you enjoy the blog girl! Thank You :)

  7. I like the 2nd necklace, didn't see it at my F21 the last time I was there. Must check soon.

    Check out my blog!
    ...and everything girly under the sun!

  8. OMG sooo cute...I went shopping too at Macys and got some amazing jewelry for super cheap!!! great taste hun!

  9. Cocktail ring! Love it!

  10. nice jewelry, I especially love key and lock! xoxo

  11. Thank You! It sure is a pretty necklace. I think that one may be my fave :)
