image credit: www.herbalessences.com
Hey loves, as you all may know My hair is a big giant frizzball! But I do like to enhance my curls and make my hair somewhat pretty! hahaha. I am a fan of Mousse. I have tried many different brands of mousse-but sadly, they either flake on me, or they just dont hold my curls and causes my hair to frizz up again. But that happens no more because I have found my trusty Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Enhancing Mousse! Read on to find out why I love it so much, and what it does for my curls.
Product Claim:
"I'll keep humidity out of your hair and give curls and waves a lush boost. The twist? I make your hair shiny and springy with my weightless formula fused with kavender and jade extracts."
"shake me, foam me, work me through wet hair. Use a 'finger style' diffuser and low hair dryer heat.look. but don't touch. touching your hair creates frizz."
I love the catchy explanations and directions the packaging has. It's as if the mousse bottle is actually having a conversation with you and telling you what to do with it. I apply mousse to sections of my hair, then I take my hair dryer, set it on low heat, and dry my hair while at the same time scrunching it a bit. After I have reached the desired dryness of my hair, I finish the look off by spraying my hair with a bit of hairspray and that sets my curls in place for the day.
This mousse smells really great-I give the credit to the lavender extract. The smell lingers through my hair for a bit, but it will eventually fade throughout the day. Unfortunatley, many hair products do flake on me but thankfully this mousse doesn't at all. The mousse controls my frizz (not completley, but what product does?), it does not make my hair feel sticky, weighed down or dry which is great because I don't like the feeling of a lot of product in my hair.
Try yourself some of this mousse curly hair beauties. Get Twisted!
Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Enhancing Mousse is available at any drugstore for $4.99.
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